Project partners:
Kvarken Council EGTC (lead part and coordinating beneficiary), the city of Kalajoki, Luleå Business Region AB, the city of Oulu/ Business Oulu, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK, Visit Skellefteå AB and Visit Umeå AB.

Interreg Aurora, Regional Council of Lapland, Region Västerbotten, the Kvarken Council EGTC, Umeå Municipality, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK, City of Kalajoki, Luleå Business Region AB, City of Oulu/ BusinessOulu, Visit Skellefteå AB, City of Vaasa, Kokkola Tourism Ltd, Haparanda municipality/ Haparanda/Tornio, Bothnian Arc ry, City of Pietarsaari, Piteå municipality, Kemi Tourism Ltd, NLC Ferry Ab Oy

Project time:

2 712 677 euros

The Bothnian Coastal Route project aims to increase awareness of the coastal route over the Kvarken strait and around the Bothnian Bay as an attractive travel route for both foreign visitors and the local population. Through the project, the partners aim to increase the reasons for visiting the destinations along the route to discover their rich product range and create better conditions for sustainable growth.

The main objective of the Bothnia Coastal Route project is to make the northern Finnish and Swedish coastline better known as an attractive tourist area through a unique marine coastal route. The mission is to create a well-known destination for sustainable development on the coastal route. The aim is also to enhance cooperation between the cross-border tourism network and strengthen the internationalisation of coastal tourism.

The project is expected to increase the recognition of tourist areas and the image of sustainable tourism, the interest of tour operators and tourists, thus increasing the number of international overnight stays and increasing the competitiveness and business conditions of operators.

More information

Sari Kasvi

projektipäällikkö (Kestävää nostetta matkailuyrityksiin Oulun seudulla & Bothnian Coastal Route). Matkailutoimialan kehittäminen.