Privacy policy


Business Oulu (Company ID: 0187690-1)
Yrttipellontie 6, FI-90230 OULU,
+358 8 558 558 10,
PL 22, 90015 Oulun kaupunki

Contact person

Marko Sulonen
Yrttipellontie 6, FI-90230 OULU,
+358 44 7031324,
PL 22, 90015 Oulun kaupunki

Name of record

Record of newsletter subscribers

Purpose of personal data processing

The purpose of processing the recorded personal data is to manage customer relations, advertising and/or direct marketing on the basis of customer data through BusinessOulu communication channels and services without handing any personal data over to an outside party.

Record data content

  • Customer e-mail address.
  • Period of storing personal data
  • The data is stored for the time being. The data can be removed upon the customer’s demand or due to termination of customership.

Handover of recorded data

The recorded data may be shared within the organisation. No data shall be transferred outside the EU or the ETA.

Protection of record

The data is stored under technical protection. Physical access to the data has been prevented through access control and other security measures. Access to the data requires sufficient rights and authentication in multiple phases. Unauthorised access is prevented also by firewalls and technical protection. Only specifically appointed persons representing the registrar have access to the recorded data. Only the appointed persons have the right to process and maintain the data in the record. The users are bound by duty of professional confidentiality. The recorded data is backed up securely and can be restored if necessary. The level of information security is audited regularly through either external or internal auditing.

Rights of the registered

Right to inspect, disallow and correct

Under the Personal Data Act, a registered person has the right to inspect the recorded data concerning him or her. At the request of the registered person, we will correct and supplement the personal data as necessary or remove any information that is faulty, unnecessary, incomplete or outdated in view of the data processing purpose. Data can be inspected and updated after contacting our customer service with a written and signed request.

Other purposes of processing the recorded data

The registered person accepts that the recorded data may be used for the following purposes:

  • individual customer marketing of upcoming BusinessOulu events and services

Alteration of privacy policy

BusinessOulu is constantly developing its business and therefore reserves the right to change this privacy policy by announcing it through BusinessOulu services. Alterations can also be based on changes in legislation. BusinessOulu recommends that the registered acquaint themselves with the privacy policy content regularly.