Oulu is a semi-finalist in the European Capital of Innovation 2024 competition


Oulu has reached the semi-finals of the European Capital of Innovation (iCapital) Awards, along with 11 other cities. The competition has two categories, European Capital of Innovation for cities with more than 250 000 inhabitants and European Rising Innovative City. Oulu is competing in the latter category.

The Oulu region has the highest RDI expenditure per capita in Finland and it is among the top performers in Europe. In recent years, Oulu has also invested heavily in the creation of new businesses and in boosting start-up activity. The number of start-ups in Oulu tripled between 2022 and 2023.

The main themes of the City of Oulu’s Innovation Capital application are

1) Skills for a sustainable future and continuous learning

2) A long history of cooperation and continuous development of the local RDI ecosystem

3) Co-creation and experimentation: the city as a testbed for innovation

The city’s commitment to involving young people is exemplary. Oulu’s educational institutions, from primary schools to the universities, emphasise STEAM education and digital literacy, ensuring that young people are equipped for the future from early childhood education onwards.

The City of Oulu has a long tradition of supporting cooperative research, development and innovation in the region. Since 2009, this cooperation has been facilitated by the Oulu Innovation Alliance, which brings together key RDI actors in the region. The city offers companies a variety of test environments and collaboration platforms where they can test their products and services.

The shortlisted cities will be interviewed during September and the winner and finalists will be announced in mid-November in Lisbon, the Innovation Capital of 2023.

Read the news from the competition organisers here.

For more information:
Maria Vuorensola
Programme Manager, Oulu Innovation Alliance
BusinessOulu, City of Oulu
tel. +358 40 7601288