Oulu Automotive Cluster brings together automotive players


The automotive sector is currently undergoing a global transformation. The three main drivers are electrification, the development of application technology and the rise of artificial intelligence in cars, along with the entry of autonomous vehicles.

The Oulu Automotive Cluster, funded by the Automotive & Circular Economy Clusters (ACE Clusters) project and co-funded by the EU, aims to bring together automotive players and create regional and international cooperation opportunities for them. The cluster operates in the Oulu region and currently involves around 120 companies and research institutes, most of which are based in Oulu. It includes companies and actors related to the automotive sector and practically all research and educational institutions in the Oulu region.

The Oulu Automotive Cluster has been in operation since 2019. Kari Poikkimäki, the cluster’s current leader and cluster manager, says that during the past year, the results of the cluster’s activities have been mapped and the strategy will be revised on the basis of the results. Oulu’s strengths will also be taken into account in the development.

– We have refined the cluster’s activities based on the results so far and the feedback we have received. For example, we have increased networking and collaboration within the cluster and increased cooperation with Oulu’s research institutes and ecosystems, such as Radiopark and ICTOulu.

The aim is to expand Finnish cooperation so that we can make a bigger push from Finland to the world.

The cluster offers opportunities to find partners

One of the main objectives of the Oulu Automotive Cluster is to connect the right operators and meet the needs of companies.

– Through cooperation, we will develop technology and know-how in the Oulu region and try to bring it to the world market. Three key words describe the cluster’s activities: find, match and share. We aim to find relevant partners for our members from outside the cluster, share knowledge, and connect the right players within the cluster, says Poikkimäki.

One example of success is when in August a startup company in the middle of a patent process found the insurance company contact it needed through the cluster network. The two companies had discussions, and as a result, it was decided to open up cooperation.

– In practice, this is a dream situation and an example of how the process can work when it reaches the finish line, explains Poikkimäki.

International events expand opportunities

Cluster members will also have the opportunity to network and possibly collaborate with Finnish companies and researchers at events. In turn, international networks can be acquired by travelling with the cluster to represent and present at events abroad. The stand spot is free of charge for companies.

– In November 2024, we participated in an event for automotive players in Žilina, Slovakia. During discussions with a Slovak company, it turned out that there were a couple of companies among our members who could help them, so we passed on their contact details. So, as a member of the cluster, it is possible to get leads and interesting opportunities from the international side as well.

International guests can be reciprocated with a visit to Oulu. In June 2024, Volvo representatives visited the cluster, and companies have had the opportunity to introduce themselves to international guests at the cluster’s own events. In the background, the search for partners is also constantly underway.

– If you need a partner in a particular field or for research, please contact us and we will see if we can find a suitable partner in our networks. We can also recommend who to contact, says Poikkimäki.

International certification supports development goals

Poikkimäki aims to obtain international certification for the cluster under The European Cluster Excellence Initiative during spring 2025. A bronze-level certificate is awarded to a cluster that has been assessed by an ESCA expert and meets the eligibility criteria for cluster management.

– The purpose of the certification is to provide a comprehensive picture of the cluster’s current situation and to provide ideas for improvement. The experts will provide the cluster with a final report and a development plan comparing the cluster’s performance with other successful clusters in the same sector.

The cluster’s development activities will continue also after the certification. The cluster also aims to bring technologies originally developed for other needs to the automotive market. According to Poikkimäki, Oulu is producing a lot of high-tech and smart technology that can be used in the automotive sector.

– This is in fact one of the reasons behind the creation of the Oulu Automotive Cluster. Oulu is a well-known technology city, and a lot of technological innovation is taking place here.

On 21 February, the Oulu Automotive Cluster, in cooperation with the University of Oulu, organised an event to discuss the future of software-defined vehicles in Europe and hear how software and hardware standards are changing. Common European standards are being developed for cars that will allow vehicles to communicate and interact with transport infrastructure regardless of brand. For example, an intelligent traffic light system will have to work with all of them. The change will also open up new business opportunities in the European automotive market.

Poikkimäki says that for the Oulu Automotive Cluster, the event’s purpose was to share information about the ongoing project with companies and to consider how they could benefit from it.

– At the same time, there is a chance to find new contacts, meaning that if someone wants to collaborate with the researchers, they can network further.

The Oulu Automotive Cluster is part of the Automotive & Circular Economy Clusters (ACE Clusters) project, which runs from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2025 and is co-funded by the North Ostrobothnia Regional Council with EU co-funding. The aim of the project is to develop the Circular Economy Cluster and the Oulu Automotive Cluster in such a way that the added value of the clusters for their members increases and companies are willing to commit more closely to the activities.