Do you find it difficult to get a job or has it been a long time since your last job? You can get help from a work trial, job coaching or the Learn at Work service, for example.

  • To find out more about your career options, you can get familiarised with work through a work trial scheme. A work trial can also support your return to working life after a long absence.

    The work trial is not an employment and there are no costs for the organiser. During the work trial, you are entitled to the same unemployment benefits as if you were unemployed.

    You can participate in a work trial in the following situations, for example:

    • You lack professional training.
    • You need to change your field of work for health reasons or because of structural changes in the labour market.
    • You have been out of the labour market for a long time, either because of prolonged unemployment or because of family leave, for example.
    • You are considering entrepreneurship and want to explore your interest and suitability for entrepreneurship.
  • If you need personalised help and advice on finding a job or choosing a field of study, job coaching is the right service for you. It is tailored to your needs. Under the guidance of a coach, you will discover and bring out your skills and strengths on the labour market.

    A job coach will give you practical support when you are looking for a suitable job. He or she can also help you to find a job and get started in the workplace.

    You can take part in job coaching if you are a job seeker customer and have discussed your participation with your personal coach.

  • If your job search has become prolonged or you have been out of work for a long time, the Learn at Work service gives you the chance to get back to work.

    You start directly in employment, with a personal coach to support you during your shifts. This service is for you if you need a boost in your work skills, need help finding a job, or are unsure how to cope in the workplace.

    If you are an unemployed job seeker from Oulu and a customer of the Oulu Region Municipal Pilot, you can be employed through the service.

  • The Oulu Multidisciplinary Collective Service for Employment (Oulu TYP) provides access to public employment, social, health and rehabilitation services according to your needs. The services promote the employment, life management, maintenance of work capacity and rehabilitation of Oulu residents who have been unemployed for a long time.

    An expert from the municipality, TE Office or Kela will assess your service needs with you and refer you to Oulu TYP if you:

    • have received at least 300 days of labour market benefit on the basis of unemployment,
    • are aged 25 or over and have been unemployed for 12 consecutive months, or
    • are under 25 years of age and have been unemployed for 6 consecutive months.
  • The job seeker service provides concrete and personalised support in your job search and information on different employment options.

    During the service, potential employers to match your skills will be contacted to whom we will present your strengths as an employee. You will be sparred by a personal coach for the job interview. Once you are employed, you and the employer will be supported in the workplace as necessary to ensure a smooth start to your employment.