For Media and Press


22.04.2013 klo 15:58

Oulu is running to the world’s Intelligent Community of Year

The City of Oulu hosts co-founder of the Intelligent Community Forum for crucial tour to pick the world’s Intelligent Community of Year. This visit marks part of the final stage of judging as the City of Oulu showcases the programs that create an Intelligent Community.

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10.04.2013 klo 12:41

The City of Oulu is asking for ideas to develop Oulu Museum and Science Center’s exhibitions

The City of Oulu is asking for ideas to help it develop Oulu Museum and Science Center’s exhibitions to encourage visitor engagement through technology in a more user friendly and experience-rich direction

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02.04.2013 klo 08:16

Finland offers best offshore wind power potential in Baltic Sea Region

The shallow waters and high wind speeds on Finland’s coastline are ideal for wind power generation.

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26.03.2013 klo 11:20

The 36th of Oulu's '100 Acts': The make me happy! campaign

Do you think that elderly people living in care centers should have more mental stimulation and opportunities for social activities? Have you tried helping them? Now you have a chance to make a real difference: The Make Me Happy! campaign is looking for participants to make older people happy by visiting care centers in the Oulu region. Come and take part; even small acts make a big difference.

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26.03.2013 klo 11:09

The 35th of Oulu's 100 Acts: The children and young people's map of Oulu

What does Oulu look like through the eyes of children and young people? Now you can find out with the Children and Young People’s Map of Oulu. Published by Oulu Art School, the map features children's favorite places in Oulu as illustrated by children themselves. This new kind of travel guide is sure to delight both citizens of Oulu and tourists, especially families with children. It encourages you to explore the city from a new perspective and find places outside the traditional tourist spots.

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