For employers

Työn Taitajat 

  • Työn Taitajat (Talents for the future) is a youth engagement initiative developed in Oulu, focusing on the collaboration between businesses and educational institutions.
  • The goal is to enhance employment opportunities and ensure the timely availability of skilled labor to companies and other employer organizations.
  • Työn Taitajat highlights the significance of continuous learning, aids young individuals in identifying their talents, and assists them in finding their role in the workforce.
  • Entrepreneurship and an entrepreneurial mindset are key components of the Työn Taitajat program.


Opportunity for businesses to influence and build their employer brand

Within Työn Taitajat, companies and other organizations have the opportunity to communicate directly with future employees. These companies are actively involved in ensuring the development of future skills, thereby demonstrating their responsibility. Työn Taitajat strongly supports the creation and enhancement of the employer image and brand for businesses and other employer organizations.

Raising the profile of businesses, increasing awareness about different professions and industries, and the ease of the model's implementation are strengths of Työn Taitajat. Career and company stories are presented either through a pre-prepared presentation or in an interview format.

You are welcome to ask for more information and/or to enroll your

A versatile and effortless approach for educational institutions to collaborate with the working life

Työn Taitajat brings working life and companies closer to the talents of the future and supports teaching staff in their guidance work. Työn Taitajat implements various face-to-face, online, and hybrid formats, including work-life lessons, seminars for teaching staff, a job shadowing day, and the world's largest virtual company visit. The programs are practical, participatory, and informative.

Työn Taitajat lowers the threshold for transitioning into the workforce, encourages individuals to examine their own skills more broadly, and emphasizes that every young person's expertise has a place in the diverse business landscape of the Oulu region.

Työn Taitajat motivates young people to acquire information about more employers and to deepen their knowledge of the most well-known companies and other organisations. Information is also provided on how to apply for a job and job interviews. Young people learn about different fields, occupations, changing job descriptions and the activities behind the titles.

We are building a vibrant Oulu region together

The activities are carried out by BusinessOulu and the educational and cultural services of the city of Oulu (Oulun kaupungin sivistys- ja kulttuuripalvelut) together with a wide network of stakeholders. BusinessAsema is the meeting place.

Työn Taitajat has already reached more than 28,000 children, young people, and adults. More than 200 representatives of companies and organizations have participated in Työn Taitajat activities.

Products and services

Working life lessons

The working life lesson is a 45–120 minutes session, during which the participants hear career stories from employees in the working life and reflect on their own working life skills and future building. Representatives of companies and other employer organizations get to speak directly to future talents and influence both young people's choices and their employer image. Working life lessons are organized throughout the school year at BusinessAsema in Oulu and via the Internet.

Työn Taitajat ❤ Educational staff

Tools, networks and inspiration are offered in the morning events by the educational staff of Työn Taitajat to support guiding young people. In the seminar, current information about the business life of the Oulu region and the skills needed in working life now and in the future will be included.

The events are themed, and the entire Northern Ostrobothnia study counselors and other educational staff can participate in them. Events by the educational staff of Työn Taitajat are organized at BusinessAsema. Remote participation is also possible.

Event dates with registration links for Autumn 2024 - Spring 2025 will be updated in June 2024

Job shadowing day

Job shadowing day is organized once in a school year for middle school and high school students in the city of Oulu. In November 2024, the opportunity to participate will also take place for OSAO student group. Day-long work life experiences are offered by companies and organizations from various fields in Oulu. Companies and organizations take one or more young people to get to know the work tasks and the community for a day. The day as a professional end with a joint networking event at BusinessAsema.

Times and additional information

The World’s Biggest Virtual Company Visit

The world's largest virtual company visit day is organized once a school year in April-May. The goal is familiarizing chosen industry and the career opportunities it offers.

The day includes targeted content for children and young people of different ages. During the visit, different companies and professions are presented in the target field at any given time. This includes what a working day in the sector looks like and what kind of skills are needed in the field.

Through career stories, we learn what kind of skills and attitude are needed in the field and what kind of subject and study choices can be used to get a job in the field. The world's largest virtual company visit will take place online on the city of Oulu's YouTube channel.

More information

Työntaitajiksi -Skilled Employees event

“Työntaitajiksi” is a professional and working life event organized once a year aimed for young people and young adults. The event has a professional library, a career cafe, job fairs, companies and other key factors related to young people's working life skills. Työn Taitajat organizes the event's stage program.

More information

Tiina Haapaniemi

Tiina Haapaniemi

Specialist, Future talents for work

+358 50 302 3196
