The professional and working-life event for young people is back – even more versatile and entertaining than before.

Perhaps you are thinking about summer work – join us and develop the skills employers need.

Time: Thursday 20.2.2025 9 AM – 3 PM
Location: Tapahtumakeskus Tullisali, Tyrnäväntie 16, 90400 Oulu. (see location on the map)
The event is open to everyone, no pre-registration required.

There is a free bus service running between Torinranta and Tullisali from 8:45 AM to 3:15 PM. The departure point at Torinranta is Kaarlenväylä. Additionally, schools and high schools in Oulu have the option to reserve an event ticket for public transport (for more information contact

The event is organised by City of Oulu, BusinessOulu, OSAO and Luovi Vocational College.

Registration for exhibitors: Registration for exhibitors for the 2025 is open!

The event organizer reserves the right to accept or reject exhibitor registrations at their discretion. In making this decision, the nature of the event and the target audience will be considered.

What does the event offer?

  • At the event, young people can get information about working life, summer jobs and other employment opportunities, as well as career planning and career choices. In addition, they can chat with employers and get to know professionals from different fields.

  • For teachers and study advisors, the event offers a great opportunity to teach pupils and students about working life and to introduce them to different professions. The “Työntaitajiksi” event is ideal for all those who do guidance work with young people.

  • Exhibitors will be able to communicate with young people, those doing guidance work with young people, and others interested in career planning, about their activities, the opportunities they offer and the skills they are looking for.

Program 2025

Familiarize yourself with the program.
  • Please note, that the stage program is only in Finnish.

    Tapahtuman juontavat Hanna Palmroos ja Robi Tolonen

    09.00 Ohjelmasalin ovet auki
    09.25 Tervetulosanat – Mari Viirelä, Oulun kauppakamari
    09.30–09.45 Oman osaamisen tunnistaminen ja sanoittaminen – Eemeli Alanne, kehittämisen asiantuntija & luovan alan yrittäjä
    09.50–10.20 Haetaan (kesä)töitä – Mistä kesätyö? Työ opintojen ohelle? Pidempiaikainen työ? Vinkkejä, konkreettisia ohjeita ja kokemuksia liittyen kesätyön hakuun sekä työnhakuun yleensä – uravalmentaja Arja Aula-Matila, omavalmentaja Johanna Kropsu & palveluohjaaja Outi Söderman-Juvani
    10.25–10.55 Yrittäjyys vaihtoehtona- paneelikeskustelu:
    Viera Karam, Startup Station
    Sari Kauppila, Startup Station
    Matilda Paakinaho, Sointu Events
    Hanna Palmroos, Kesäyrittäjäohjelma, BusinessOulu
    Joona Takkula, Puskamestarit
    11.00–11.25 Uratarinoista inspiraatiota ja vinkkejä työelämään – Roelof Aalpoel, B2B Sales, Marketing & Printed Electronics expert
    11.25–11.30 Päätös

    The program is being updated. All rights reserved.

  • Please note, that the stage program is only in Finnish.

    Tapahtuman juontavat Hanna Palmroos ja Robi Tolonen

    12.00 Ohjelmasalin ovet auki
    12.25 Tervetulosanat
    12.30–12.45 Oman osaamisen tunnistaminen ja sanoittaminen – Eemeli Alanne, kehittämisen asiantuntija & luovan alan yrittäjä
    12.50–13.20 Haetaan (kesä)töitä – Mistä kesätyö? Työ opintojen ohelle? Pidempiaikainen työ? Vinkkejä, konkreettisia ohjeita ja kokemuksia liittyen kesätyön hakuun sekä työnhakuun yleensä. – uravalmentaja Arja Aula-Matila, omavalmentaja Johanna Kropsu & palveluohjaaja Outi Söderman-Juvani
    10.25–10.55 Yrittäjyys vaihtoehtona- paneelikeskustelu:
    Viera Karam, Startup Station
    Sari Kauppila, Startup Station
    Matilda Paakinaho, Sointu Events
    Hanna Palmroos, Kesäyrittäjäohjelma, BusinessOulu
    Joona Takkula, Puskamestarit
    14.00–14.25 Uratarinoista inspiraatiota ja vinkkejä työelämään – Johanna Kamunen, yhteyspäällikkö, kaupunkimarkkinointi, BusinessOulu
    14.25–14.30 Päätös

    The program is being updated. All rights reserved.

  • Have a cup of coffee or tea while talking to employment and education experts who can give you the best ideas for seeking jobs and educating yourself further, as well as offer feedback on your CV.

    Advice on these topics:

    • Sparring for job seeking
    • Strenght and resources
    • Services for foreigners
    • Entrepreneurship and start-up grants
    • Vocational guidance by psychologist
    • Career counselling, education
    • Working and volunteering abroad and job search in Finland for foreigners
  • At the event, there will also be a CV photo booth where job seekers can get a professional photo taken for free. The photo can be used in job applications, for example, in their own resume. The photo will be delivered to customers digitally about a week after the photo session. The photographer is Studio Timo Heikkala Oy.

  • In the Talent Library, one can explore different professions. The “loan books” are people representing various professions, with whom visitors can discuss the daily realities of work and the paths through which one can enter the profession.

    Representatives of the following professions are participating in the 2025 event.

    The program is being updated.

  • At the event, there are interesting and engaging work demonstrations by educational institutions. Through these demonstrations, visitors can see how professionals work in various occupations and have the opportunity to ask questions about studying for these professions.


    Work demonstrations from the study programs that are in English:

    Vocational Qualification in Business (liiketoiminnan perustutkinto)

    OSAO is offering a study programme in business delivered completely in English. After graduation you will be qualified to work in various business-related jobs such as customer service, sales and marketing communications in international environments. The programme includes International Baccalaureate career-related studies (IBCP) age range 16-19. Our internationally geared study programme gives you both globally valid working life skills and academically challenging study component that improves your thinking skills and intercultural understanding. Place of study is at OSAO, Kaukovainio unit, Services. Come and meet us in the Työnäytökset -area and ask more about the possibilities of studying in our English programs.

    Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering services, Cook (ravintola- ja cateringalan perustutkinto, kokki)

    OSAO is offering a study programme in restaurant and catering services delivered completely in English. You can graduate as a cook, and gain diverse skills for cooking, baking, and customer service roles. After graduation you have strong language skills and the skills to work or study in international environments in the restaurant and catering sector. Place of study is at OSAO, Kaukovainio unit, Services and Teaching restaurant Hilikku, Come and meet us in the Työnäytökset -area and ask more about the possibilities of studying in our English programs.

    Vocational Qualification in Tourism Industry (matkailualan perustutkinto)

    OSAO is offering a study programme in tourism industry delivered completely in English. After graduation you will be qualified to work in various tasks in the tourism sector in international environments such as customer service tasks in sales, accommodation and implementation of tourism services in the tourism sector. You are able to service both Finnish and foreign customers in a customer-oriented manner. You can utilize good interaction skills, language proficiency and knowledge of cultures. Place of study is at OSAO, Kaukovainio unit, Services. Come and meet us in the Työnäytökset -area and ask more about the possibilities of studying in our English programs.

    Work demonstrations from the study programs that are in Finnish:

    Forest Machine Operator Qualification (metsäalan perustutkinto, metsäkoneenkuljettaja)

    As a forest machine operator, you will learn to use, transport, and maintain forest machines. You will gain thorough knowledge and handling skills for forest tractors, harvesters, or timber trucks. As a forest machine operator, you will work independently and responsibly with people, forest nature, and machines. You can work as a harvester, forwarder, or timber truck driver, as well as an entrepreneur. As a skilled professional, you will also consider environmental aspects in your forestry and logging work. You can study to become a forest machine operator at OSAO’s Muhos and Taivalkoski units. At the work demonstration area, you can try out the work of a forest machine operator using a simulator and ask about studies and job opportunities in the field.

    Instrument Care Qualification (välinehuoltoalan perustutkinto, välinehuoltaja)

    Instrument care studies are suitable for you if you want to work in various infection control, cleaning, disinfection, packaging, and sterilization-related functions and services in the future. As an instrument care professional, you will have extensive professional skills in instrument maintenance and the entire instrument care process. You can work in social and healthcare settings, such as instrument care centers, surgical and anesthesia departments, endoscopy units, laboratories, intensive care, dialysis, and maternity wards, outpatient clinics, pharmaceutical care, and oral health care units. Your workplace can also be in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, food industry, and other clinical environments such as veterinary clinics, small animal hospitals, and laboratory animal facilities. You can study to become an instrument care professional at OSAO’s Kontinkangas unit. Come and learn more about the field at the work demonstration area, where you can familiarize yourself with the equipment and study materials and ask teachers and students about studies and job opportunities in the field.

    Pharmaceutical Technician Qualification (lääkealan perustutkinto, lääketeknikko)

    As a pharmaceutical technician, you will take care of the workplace’s orders and receipts of goods. You will smoothly use inventory control software, store medicines correctly, and handle other inventory management tasks in a multidisciplinary work community. You can direct your studies towards tasks in a pharmacy or hospital pharmacy. In a pharmacy, your tasks may also include customer service, organizing campaign events, working in online services, and office tasks. In a hospital pharmacy, your tasks include collecting medicines, using automation devices, working in dose dispensing, and manufacturing medicines. In all these tasks, you will utilize digital and communication technology and professional quality work skills. You can study to become a pharmaceutical technician at OSAO’s Kontinkangas unit. Come and learn more about the field at the work demonstration area, where you can familiarize yourself with the equipment and study materials and ask teachers and students about studies and job opportunities in the field.

    Practical Nurse Qualification, Specializing in Oral Health and Disability Work (sosiaali- ja terveysalan perustutkinto, lähihoitaja, suunhoidon ja vammaistyön osaamisalat)

    Oral Health (Suunhoito)
    As a practical nurse specializing in oral health, you will participate in the research and treatment of oral diseases in collaboration with dentists and dental hygienists. During your studies, you will learn various treatment practices and how to use instruments, materials, and information systems in the field. A practical nurse is responsible for patient and work safety, prepares patients for treatment, manages the reception, and guides clients in promoting oral health. You can work in basic or specialized healthcare in either public or private health services. You can also work independently with patients and perform tasks such as orthodontic procedures. You can study to become a practical nurse specializing in oral health at OSAO’s Kontinkangas unit. Come and learn more about the field at the work demonstration area, where you can familiarize yourself with the equipment and study materials and ask teachers and students about studies and job opportunities in the field.

    Disability Work (vammaistyö)
    As a practical nurse specializing in disability work, you will care for, support, and guide people with disabilities in various life situations. You will learn to support the functional capacity of people with disabilities together with them, their relatives, and professionals. As a practical nurse, you will master the legislation, service systems, and professional ethics of the field. A practical nurse specializing in disability work can work in work and service centers, family homes, disability organizations, care facilities for people with disabilities, service houses, and directly in the client’s home. You can study to become a practical nurse specializing in disability work at OSAO’s Kontinkangas, Muhos, and Pudasjärvi units. Come and learn more about the field at the work demonstration area, where you can familiarize yourself with the equipment and study materials and ask teachers and students about studies and job opportunities in the field.

    Luovi Vocational College / Ammattiopisto Luovi

    Work demonstrations from the study programs that are in Finnish:

    VQ in Motor Vehicles Sector (ajoneuvoalan perustutkinto)
    At the presentation point, you can explore the technical structures and components of a car as well as diagnostic equipment.

    VQ in Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology (kone- ja tuotantotekniikan perustutkinto9
    CNC programming
    At the presentation point, you can try welding tasks, CNC programming, and machining simulation.

    VQ in Logistics (logistiikan perustutkinto)
    Driver (kuorma-autonkuljettaja):

    At the presentation point, you can learn about a driver’s workday. Identify the latest traffic signs and determine your collision weight in traffic without seat belts at urban speeds.

    Service Logistics Worke (palvelulogistiikkatyöntekijä):
    At the presentation point, you can practice using a forklift simulator.

    VQ in Natural and Environmental Protection (luonto- ja ympäristöalan perustutkinto)
    At the presentation point, you can explore the diverse tasks in the field.

    VQ in Media and Visual Expression (media-alan ja kuvallisen ilmaisun perustutkinto)
    At the presentation point, you can try graphic design and video shooting! Experience creativity firsthand by testing your design skills or grabbing a camera! Additionally, you will have the opportunity to talk to students graduating as media service implementers from Ammattiopisto Luovi, who will gladly share their experiences about studies and international exchanges.

    VQ in Surface Treatment Technology (pintakäsittelyalan perustutkinto)
    At the presentation point, you can try wallpapering with painters.

    VQ in Cleaning and Property Services (puhtaus- ja kiinteistöpalvelualan perustutkinto)
    At the presentation point, you can learn about a housekeeper’s workday.
    Site Facilities Operative (toimitilahuoltaja):
    At the presentation point, you can see and try mechanical cleaning services.
    Property Maintenance Operative (kiinteistönhoitaja):
    At the presentation point, you can see the basic tasks of property maintenance.

    VQ in Horticulture (puutarha-alan perustutkinto) 
    At the presentation point, you can learn about plant propagation, identify houseplants, and hear genuine experiences from students about studies in the field.

    VQ in Construction (rakennusalan perustutkinto)
    At the presentation point, you can try the most common tools used by builders.

    VQ in Restaurant and Catering Services (ravintola- ja catering-alan perustutkinto)
    At the presentation point, you can identify vegetables and hear about the work of a chef.

  • A crucial information package on employee rights and responsibilities is available in both Finnish and English. This package also includes a section on employer obligations.

Heidi Härmä

Specialist, solutions to corporate employee needs

Jannika Leinonen

Specialist, solutions to corporate employee needs