The professional and working-life event for young people is back – even more versatile and entertaining than before.

Perhaps you are thinking about summer work – join us and develop the skills employers need.

Time: 2025 tba

Location: 2025 tba

Registration for visitors: The event is open to everyone, no pre-registration required.

Registration for exhibitors: Registration for exhibitors for the 2025 event will open in May 2024

The event organizer reserves the right to accept or reject exhibitor registrations at their discretion.

In making this decision, the nature of the event and the target audience will be considered.


What does the event offer?

  • At the event, young people can get information about working life, summer jobs and other employment opportunities, as well as career planning and career choices. In addition, they can chat with employers and get to know professionals from different fields.

  • For teachers and study advisors, the event offers a great opportunity to teach pupils and students about working life and to introduce them to different professions. The “Työntaitajiksi” event is ideal for all those who do guidance work with young people.

  • Exhibitors will be able to communicate with young people, those doing guidance work with young people, and others interested in career planning, about their activities, the opportunities they offer and the skills they are looking for.

The companies and organizations involved in January 2024

Those marked with an asterisk (*) also offer opportunities for non-Finnish native speakers.

Ammattiopisto Luovi / Luovi Vocational College
Motio hanke/ Tervaritjuniorit ry* / Motio Project / Tervarit Juniors Association
Oulun Palvelualan Opisto* / Oulu Service Industry Institute
Suomen Diakoniaopisto* / Finnish Diaconia Institute
PSK-Aikuisopisto* / PSK Adult Education Institute
OSAO, englanninkieliset koulutusohjelmat* / OSAO, Vocational qualifications in english
Nordic Tank Oy
Haparanda Stad*
Attendo Oy*
Presentia Oy
SOL Palvelut Oy*
Spring House Oy*
Wirestaff Oulu*
StaffPoint Oy*
Osuuskauppa Arina*’
Nobina Oy
Pohjois-Suomen Rakennusklusteri / Northern Finland Construction Cluster
Oulun Tuotantokeittiö Oy, Lööki*
NJC Henkilöstöpalvelut* / NJC Personnel Services
9Lives Oy
Prime Sales
Ravintola Nallikari (ProDine Oy)* / Nallikari Restaurant
Rekrytointipalvelu Sihti / Adecco* / Sihti Recruitment Service
Monetra Oulu Oy
Pohde Rekrytointiyksikkö / Pohde Recruitment Unit
Nuorisopalvelut, Nuorten työpajat*/ Youth Services, Youth Workshops
International House Oulu*
StaffPoint Oy*
Pohjois-Pohjanmaan TE-toimisto / North Ostrobothnia Employment and Economic Development Office
Pohjolan OP
Oulun Seudun Leader/Nuoriso Leader* / Oulu Region Leader/Youth Leader


Program 2024

Familiarize yourself with the Stage program. Please note, that the stage program is mostly in Finnish.
  • Paikka: Pikisali

    9.25 – 9.30 Tapahtuman avaus, Mari Viirelä, Oulun kauppakamari

    9.30 – 10.00 Oman osaamisen tunnistaminen ja sanoittaminen rekrytoijan näkökulmasta

    Anna-Leena Niinimaa ja Maios Aunola, Nordea

    Aino Saksio ja Mari Rounaja, Osuuskauppa Arina

    Haluatko oppia kertomaan, missä olet hyvä, mitä osaat? Nordea ja Arina kertovat osaamisen tunnustamisen ja osaamisen sanoittamisen tärkeydestä opintojen suunnittelussa, kesätyönhaussa ja myöhemmin työuran ja elämän eri vaiheissa.

    10.15 – 11.00 Inspiraatiota uratarinoista & vinkkejä työelämään

    Uratarina 1: Olli Levaniemi, BusinessOulu

    Ollin tausta on innostava ja värikäs. Olli tunnetaan Ilveslinnan herrana, oululaisen Jatuli Gamesin tuottajana ja toimitusjohtajana, markkinoinnin ja viestinnän 3D-palveluiden osaajana. Tällä hetkellä Ollin työkenttään kuuluu digitaalinen liiketoimintaosaaminen ja markkinointiosaaminen. Olli vie oululaisten yritysten digiosaamista, viestintää ja markkinointia ja liiketoiminnan kehittämistä eteenpäin mm. verkkokauppaklubitoiminnan kautta.

    Uratarina 2: Laura Vähäsaari, Elektrobit

    Laura työskentelee Elektrobit Automotivella, missä he tuotattavat autovalmistajille softaratkaisuja, joilla kehitetään turvallisempia ja parempia autoja tulevaisuuteen.​ Laura työura on monipuolinen ja siihen kuuluvat mm. Hesburger ja Nokia. Tradenomi Laura tunnetaan innokkaasta otteesta ja hän innostuu kun voi ratkaista yhteistyössä haasteita ja ongelmia, kehittää ja luoda uutta.

    Lunch 11-12

  • 12.00 – 12.30 Erotu rohkeasti eduksesi työhakemuksella ja CV:llä, Arja Aula-Matila & Hanna Ruuska, Arffman

    12.45 – 13:30 Yrittäjyys työelämän vaihtoehtona nuoren näkökulmasta

    Paneelikeskustelu, moderointi Sari Kauppila, BusinessOulu

    • Vuoden yksinyrittäjä 2023, Teija Soini
    • Kesäyrittäjä-ohjelma, Oulun kaupunki, Hanna Palmroos
    • Nuori yrittäjä, vuoden 2023 Pohjois-Suomen NY, Särki Clothing, Robi Tolonen
    • Startup Express Programme Oulu, Aku Forsman

    Kuulet, millaista apua yrittäjyyttä suunnitteleville on tarjolla, mitä kevytyrittäjyys on ja kokemuksia yrittäjyyspolkunsa alussa olevalta nuorelta, joka on ollut mukana Vuosi yrittäjänä -ohjelmassa ja valittu Pohjois-Suomen nuoreksi yrittäjäksi 2023.

    13.40 – 14.30 Working life in the Oulu region- facts and tips

    What kind of employees Finland needs? Pia Klemetti, Paija Group

    Panel discusson.

    Moderator: Shefat Islam, BusinessOulu


    Johanna Karjula, Oulun Osaamiskeskus – Oulu Skills Centre

    Kateryna Hudozhnyk, Kiertokaari

    Tony Stenberg, HR Business Partner, Nobina

    Anni Saaranen, OSAO

    The program is being updated. All rights reserved.

    Finnish Red Cross is in charge of first aid.

  • In the Talent Library, one can explore different professions. The “loan books” are people representing various professions, with whom visitors can discuss the daily realities of work and the paths through which one can enter the profession.

    Representatives of the following professions are participating in the event.

    Career Guidance Psychologist
    Bus Driver
    Head Chef
    Cultural Producer
    Childcare Worker
    Practical Nurse
    Marketing Specialist
    Multi-skilled Professional
    Surface Rescuer
    Police Department Social Emergency Worker
    Psychiatric Nurse
    Construction Foreman
    Construction Worker
    Construction Cleaner
    Bachelor of Hospitality Management
    Criminal Investigator
    Waiter / Waitress
    Theater Director
    Public Health Nurse
    Occupational Therapist
    Volunteer Coordinator

  • At the event, there are interesting and engaging work demonstrations by educational institutions. Through these demonstrations, visitors can see how professionals work in various occupations and have the opportunity to ask questions about studying for these professions.


    Food industry (Baker-confectioner)

    At the demonstration point, you can try making cake decorations and learn about the work of a baker-confectioner. The demonstration is organized by students pursuing the Baker-Confectioner basic degree in the food industry.

    Agriculture (Rural entrepreneur)

    Come and explore a rural entrepreneur’s workday. You’ll get to identify different types of grains and learn about the work machines used in rural areas. The demonstration is organized by students pursuing the Rural Entrepreneur basic degree in agriculture from Vocational College Luovi.

    Media industry

    At the demonstration point, you can explore and try your hand at graphic design and video shooting. Experience creativity firsthand by testing your design skills or picking up a camera. Additionally, you’ll have the chance to converse with students from Vocational College Luovi who are about to graduate in media services, and they are eager to share their experiences from their studies and international exchanges.

    CNC Programming (Machine and production technology)

    At the demonstration point, you can try welding tasks, CNC programming, and a machining simulator. The demonstration is organized by students pursuing a basic degree in machine and production technology, specializing in machining and welding, from Vocational College Luovi.


    Machine and production technology

    The demonstration point offers an opportunity to explore the machines and equipment needed for tasks in machine and production technology and to learn about the industry and its job opportunities as a machinist or welder. You can try virtual welding and understand what it means to have a robot as a work colleague. The demonstration is organized by the teachers and students of OSAO Kaukovainio’s technology department.

    Social and health care, practical nurse in disability field

    At the demonstration point, you can learn about the basic degree in social and health care, with a focus on practical nurse training in disability work. You can explore functional work methods in the disability field, such as a dream map workshop and tools/programs that support communication (communication mat, Papunet website). There are also assistive devices available. The demonstration is organized by practical nursing students (students pursuing a basic degree in social and health care) from OSAO Kontinkangas unit.

    Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering Services

    At the demonstration point you can identify herbs, roots, and vegetables, as well as get acquainted with the eKampus electronic learning material along with chef students.The work demonstration is organized by OSAO’s chef students of the Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering Services.

Heidi Härmä

Specialist, solutions to corporate employee needs

Jannika Leinonen

Coordinator, early stage services