BusinessOulu personnel
You can go directly to unit-specific contact details from the headings below.
Please note!
The price of the call is based on your subscription, including the waiting time (mobile/local rate).
If you are using a call package, you should check with your operator whether 0295 calls are included. The operator’s charge starts when the connection is opened. The advice itself is free of charge. All telephone numbers for TE services begin with 0295.
If you need the telephone number of your personal coach, please contact the customer service number (08) 558 558 10.
The City of Oulu (business ID 0187690-1, VAT ID FI01876901) only accepts e-invoices or invoices sent via the free supplier portal. The invoice must indicate that it is addressed to the City of Oulu. In addition, the invoice must indicate the name of the City of Oulu administration or business entity to which the invoice is addressed. It is not possible to combine the costs of different administrative departments and business establishments on the same invoice.
Note to billers: the term of the invoices must be a minimum of 21 days. The City of Oulu does not accept invoice surcharges.
Invoices must always be referenced with the information provided by the subscriber and the name of the subscriber or invoice verifier. The order number must be indicated in the order number field.
City of Oulu
Business Oulu
E-invoicing address EDI code: 003701876901300
PL 5016
02066 DOCUSCANE-invoice delivery:
E-invoicing operator: CGI Suomi Oy
E-invoicing address EDI code: 003703575029Sending e-invoices via the supplier portal to administrative/business departments:
- If your company does not have the possibility to send e-invoices, you can send e-invoices to the City of Oulu free of charge via the supplier portal.
- If you would like to use the service, please contact us first by e-mail at,
You will receive access by email (sent by the CGI Supplier Portal), and then you can log in to the Supplier Portal.
First fill in your company details on the Settings tab, then you can create an invoice.
For instructions on using the portal, please visit the Monetra pages (in Finnish).
Service fee
BusinessOulu will introduce a fee for copying, scanning, archiving and document clearing according to the service fee price list from 29 January 2016. The fee will be charged for scanned and paper documents, their delivery and for clearing and settlement work.
The fees cover the costs of processing documents.
The fees do not apply to BusinessOulu’s business services.
BusinessOulu service fee price list
- Photocopies (A4 or A3) 0.40 € + VAT 24 %/page
- Fee for scanning paper documents (e.g. for e-mail delivery) 0.40 € + VAT 24 % per scanned page
- Archival and documentary research, minimum charge of 1 hour 50.00 € + VAT 24 %/hour
- in addition, a photocopying fee of € 0.40 + VAT 24 % per page will be charged
- Delivery of documents to a photocopying service 15.00 € + VAT 24 %/delivery
- the charge of the photocopying service provider will be added to the price
Business services
Hannu Hiltunen
Advisor, Business Development and Financing
Riku Huhta
Advisor, Financing, Ownership changes
Shefat Islam
Specialist, Business advisor for international community
Viera Karam
Business Advisor, startup program manager
Petri Karinen
Head of International Affairs
Janne Kärkkäinen
Advisor, Business Development
Markku Lahti
Company Advisor
Jarmo Lauronen
Head of Business services
Heini Malm
Senior advisor, Business Development
Virpi Martikainen
Advisor, Business Development, Digital Business, Creative Industry
Laura Meriläinen
Specialist, Business Development and Financing
Antti Moilanen
Advisor, Digital Business and E-Commerce
Jukka Olli
Senior Advisor of International Affairs
Nico Rahm
Market Development Manager
Anneli Rinta-Paavola
Company Advisor, Oulun Seudun Uusyrityskeskus Ry
Anne Ryynänen
Advisor, Business Development, Gaming Industry, Creative Industries
Sanna Savolainen
Advisor of International Affairs
Jarmo Siipola
Company Advisor, Oulun Seudun Uusyrityskeskus Ry
Maja Terning
Advisor, International Affairs, Norway
Business sector services
Niina Heikkinen
Coordinator, ICT
Janne Hietaniemi
Key Account Director, Cleantech and Industry
Salla Hirvonen
Development Manager, OuluHealth
Pirjo Juntunen
Key Account Director
Iiris Kanniala
Project Coordinator, Tourism industry
Sari Kasvi
Project Manager, Travel industry internationalization, coaching and tourism marketing
Jyrki Kemppainen
Key Account Director, Trade & Services, Travel and Logistics, business development
Minna Komu
Network Director, Coordination of Health and Life Science ecosystem OuluHealth
Päivi Lehto
Coordinator, Cleantech and Sustainable industry
Jussi Leponiemi
Key Account Director, ICT
Olli Löytynoja
Head of Key Accounts and Investments
Roosa Palomäki
Service Manager, Tourist Services
Kari Poikkimäki
Cluster manager, automotive
Jenni Ronkainen
Tourism advisor, Tourist Services
Aila Ryhänen
Circular Economy Specialist
Joanna Seppänen
Coordinator, Health and Life Science industries
Petri Sirviö
Key Account Director, Creative Economy, business development
Heidi Tikanmäki
Key Account Director, Health and Life Science industries, business development
Jenni Tuomela
Coordinator, Creative Economy, Trade, Services, Tourism and Logistics
Reetta Turula
Film Commissioner, North Finland Film Commission
Jaana Tähtinen
Coordinator, MEREBE Project
Takako Uchida
Senior Advisor, International Affairs, Japan
Elina Yli-Luukko
North Finland Construction Cluster
Janne Ylitalo
Specialist, Invest In and relocation services
Business environment
Seija Haapalainen
Senior Consultant, Real Estate Business, Relocation Services
Heikki Huhmo
Project Manager, Development of Oulu Radio Park operational model and testing platform for SMEs
Kirsi Hyry
Project Manager, FINverse
Soile Jokinen
Senior Advisor, competence and continuous learning
Jari Jokisalo
Specialist, Digitalization
Pirjo Koskiniemi
Manager, Open Innovation Services
Aarne Kultalahti
Head of Business Environment
Olli Lukkari
Specialist, Programme Director Business environments; ecosystems in printed intelligence and electronics, co-creation platform in autonomous vehicle (OIA)
Anita Moilanen
Property and safety officer
Hanna Palmroos
Summer entrepreneurship programme project coordinator
Liisa Pietikäinen
Specialist, Open Innovation Services
Helena Poukkanen
Community Manager, BusinessAsema
Ari Saine
Liaison manager, Smartcity
Maria Vuorensola
Specialist, Program Manager
Employment services
Kirsi Anttila
Employment Services Manager, Early stage services
Eija Aunola
Jukka Feodoroff
Employment Services Manager, Benefits and payment
Heli Haapaniemi
Nina Himsworth
Titta Hinkula
Miia Hokkanen
Sanna Kangosjärvi
Employment Services Manager, Talent and recruiting
Jari Koukkula
Sari Käsmä
Employment Services Manager, Employment path services
Jaakko Liukkonen
Elina Myllylä
Marjo Pekkonen
Employment Services Manager
Mari Rautiainen
Head of Employment Services
Sanna Rautio-Väliheikki
Paula Salmu
Virpi Sammalkangas
Sari Siira
Talent team
Antti Haapalainen
Tiina Haapaniemi
Specialist, Future talents for work
Heidi Härmä
Specialist, solutions to corporate employee needs
Tuija Karppila
Service Manager, solutions to corporate employee needs
Sari Kauppila
Specialist, Business Cooperation
Mirja Kemppainen
Risto Kilpeläinen
Kaisa Koljonen
Specialist, Recruitment Services
Jannika Leinonen
Specialist, solutions to corporate employee needs
Taras Paliichuk
Ukrainian recruitment support for job seekers and employers
Markku Pirhonen
Recruitment Services
Reeta Räisänen
Specialist, Future talents for work, CRM
Terttu Toivanen
Communications and marketing
Viivi Anttila
Communications and Marketing Coordinator, Business Services, ACE clusters
Henna Huttunen
Communications and Marketing Coordinator, Place Marketing
Paavo Impiö
Audiovisual Communications Designer
Simo Juntunen
Web Communications Designer
Johanna Kamunen
Place Marketing Manager (deputy)
Auli Kangas
Head of Communications and Marketing
Anna Karppinen
Visual Communications and Marketing Specialist (AD)
Marjo Pak
Communications and Marketing Manager, Employer Services
Marko Pyhähuhta
Communications and Media Relations Manager, International Communications
Aulikki Ståhle
Communications and Marketing Coordinator, Employer Services
Marko Sulonen
Visual and Web Communications Specialist
Johanna Suutari
Communications and Marketing Coordinator, Employment Services, Employment Area
Tero Suutari
Visual Communications and Marketing Specialist (AD)
Sirpa Vepsä
Communications and Marketing Manager, Business services
Sanna Viero
Communications and Marketing Coordinator, Employment Services
Päivi Vuoti-Karvonen
Communications and Marketing Manager, Employment services
Annakaisa Vääräniemi
Communications and Marketing Manager, International House Oulu
Internal services
Johanna Holma
Administrative Secretary
Jukka Höglund
Real Estate Manage
Kati Järvitalo
Human Resources Secretary
Camilla Karvinen
In-House Service Specialist
Ville Kess
Coordinator, Finance
Helena Kilponen
In-House Service Specialist
Juha-Matti Mukari
AV-technical support
Hanna Määttä
In-House Service Specialist
Miia Nikka
Procurement Specialist
Marja Saastamoinen
In-House Service Specialist, projects and finances
Merja Smolander
In-House Service Specialist
Helena Valkama
In-House Service Specialist
Mari Vimpari
In-House Service Specialist, projects and finances
Veronika Zaburchik
In-House Service Specialist
Juha Ala-Mursula
Sirkka-Liisa Kangasharju
Head of Human Resources
Anu Katajaharju
Head of Administration and Finance
Pirjo Kärkkäinen
Executive Secretary, Executive Group
Tuula Lotvonen
Funding Advisor
Sanna Minkkinen
HR Specialist
Mari Rautiainen
Head of Employment Services
Juuso Rönnholm
Head of Public Affairs and data analysis
Urpo Tuomela
Senior advisor, strategic foresight
Raini Äijälä
Senior advisor, Finance