Financial analysis

Analysis of your company’s financing possibilities
Map your company’s access to national, public financial instruments.
BusinessOulu uses Granted AI, a service that aggregates financial instruments on a single platform and produces an analysis of the company’s funding opportunities based on profiling. The analysis displays your company’s access to different financing options in a scored format and allows you to explore the financing instruments that best fit your profile. You can access the analysis by answering around 20 questions using the bot below.
Profiling is necessary because it takes into account the key factors that affect your company’s chances of getting finance. So be prepared to answer questions such as the following concerning your business:
- ownership base
- financial ratios
- number of employees
- willingness to internationalise
- IPR situation
Please answer the questions to the best of your ability, even if a particular question is challenging or the information is not at your disposal. In addition to the answers provided, the analysis uses public data sources and artificial intelligence for profiling. At the end of the bot discussion, you will receive a link to an analysis of your company’s funding opportunities. The link will also be sent to the e-mail address you provide. If you wish, you can spar about your opportunities with a BusinessOulu finance expert.
Contact us
Hannu Hiltunen
Advisor, Business Development and Financing
Riku Huhta
Advisor, Financing, Ownership changes
Janne Kärkkäinen
Advisor, Business Development
Laura Meriläinen
Specialist, Business Development and Financing