Financial advice

The total financing of a business usually comes from different sources. Foreign capital and/or equity financing is often needed alongside equity and revenue financing. For investment and development work, such as product development and internationalisation, the company can, under certain conditions, obtain grants, loans and guarantees from public financial backers.

We help you clarify your financing needs and options for starting, developing, growing, and internationalising your business.

We will help you with

  • finding the right financing channel
  • preparing project plans
  • making financial and cash flow calculations
  • preparing funding applications
  • preparing company presentation material
  • contacting financiers and negotiating financing

You can explore your company’s access to public financial instruments with our Financial Analysis service.

Companies aiming for a strong growth trajectory almost invariably need equity financing to finance growth, such as product development, internationalisation, commercialisation, or hiring the key people needed for growth.

We help companies seeking venture capital

  • prepare the company presentation material or finalise company presentations and make company-specific plans needed to apply for funding
  • make contacts with venture capitalists
  • by organising a range of finance-related events, including investor events where entrepreneurs have the opportunity to present their activities to both domestic and foreign venture capitalists.

Financing channels

Public funding

Venture capital / equity financing

  • The Finnish Business Angels Network (FiBAN) is a nationwide, non-profit association that promotes investment by individuals in unlisted growth companies. The association aims to grow and develop the private investment profession. FiBAN is one of the largest and most active business angel networks in the world, with over 670 accredited investor members.

    Start-ups can submit a business profile to FiBAN for angel investors to view at BusinessOulu experts will help you fine-tune your business and profile.

  • The Finnish Venture Capital Association is the collective voice and influencer body of the venture capital industry in Finland. The association guides companies in applying for venture capital, and more information is available at

    Companies can also use the investor search engine on the association’s website to find a suitable venture capital investor. BusinessOulu’s experts can help with contacting investors, planning funding rounds, and sparring with business.

Contact us

We will help you with any questions you have about business financing

Hannu Hiltunen

Advisor, Business Development and Financing

Janne Kärkkäinen

Advisor, Business Development

Laura Meriläinen

Specialist, Business Development and Financing

Riku Huhta

Advisor, Financing, Ownership changes