The page collects impact data related to BusinessOulu’s activities and the development of Oulu. The information is mainly updated monthly, and the reference figure is the same month of the previous year. At the bottom of the page, you will find information on the development of Oulu’s business community over a longer period of time.

Impact of BusinessOulu operations

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* Labour market subsidy is part of the Finnish social security. It is a form of unemployment benefit granted by Kela and financed by the state and municipalities. It is mainly available to unemployed job seekers aged 17–64 who are capable of working, available for the labour market, in need of financial support and living in Finland. The municipalities co-fund unemployment-related labour market support when the unemployed person’s days of labour market support exceed 300 days (50% of days over 300 and 70% of days over 1000).

** Employment grants include municipal subsidies (to support the employment of non-profit organisations, other organisations, associations, foundations and companies), municipal wage subsidy employment, summer vouchers, summer jobs, Tutor grants, activation and support for rehabilitative work activities, and financial projects.

Accommodation and Travel Data

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