What we do

BusinessOulu’s mission is to promote the vitality of the city by creating opportunities for the region, its residents and businesses to thrive. We are building a strong northern growth centre that attracts young people as a place to do business, live and study. We will create new jobs through sustainable business growth.

We serve start-ups, growing businesses and internationalising companies in developing their operations and operating environment, networking, and recruiting skilled labour.

We help job seekers to find employment and develop their skills. We establish direct contacts with the business world to bring job seekers and vacancies together.

Our close cooperation with businesses, educational institutions, research institutes and social actors is reflected in international success stories. We make Oulu known by responding to the competition for investments, companies, talent, tourists, and events.

We serve our customers personally. Our low-threshold services include business and employment services and topical coaching. Our employment services are particularly targeted at the long-term unemployed and unemployed job seekers who are under 30, immigrants, or foreign-language speakers.


  • Enterprise-friendly Oulu is about the continuous development of business and employment services and the ability to anticipate and respond better to the needs of entrepreneurs, employers and job seekers.

    VISION: Most enterprise-friendly city in Finland: an international centre of growth

    MISSION: Partner in growth and development

    Strategic spearheads

    • Improving the competitiveness and business environment of enterprises
    • Improving the availability of skilled labour
    • Developing cooperation networks and business ecosystems
    • Reforming the business landscape and supporting new openings

    Cultural climate change and Smart City programme as enablers of sustainable growth for businesses

    We aim for a positive impact on

    • Entrepreneurship 
    • Export 
    • Job development 
    • Availability of skilled labour 
    • Investments and 
    • Attractiveness and municipal economy of the City of Oulu

    Sets of measures 2022–2027

    Economic services

    • Business servicesSector-specific services

      Business environment development services

    Employment services

    • Subsidies and payments 
    • Early-stage services 
    • Skills and recruitment 
    • Pre-employment services 
    • Networks and development 
    • Implementation of the municipal pilot 
    • Preparation for the launch of the Wellbeing Services County

    Cross-cutting themes

    • Talent team 
    • BusinessAsema 
    • Communications and marketing 
    • Strategy and anticipation 
    • Preparation for the TE-2024 reform.

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